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Commitment To Giving 2022-23

Commitment To Giving Annual Partnership Pledge Levels
Now is the time to join your fellow congregants in supporting Temple Beth Torah for the 2022-23 year.
Please pledge with your heart as you reflect upon what TBT means to you.
Thank you for your consideration and support!
Benefits Included
Lifetime Partnership
One-Time Commitment, Tickets to Galas, Events*, HH Parking, Gift Membership, Security Fee, Shabbat Dinners, Plaque
Visionary -Tickets to Galas, Events*, HH Parking, Gift Membership, Security Fee, Shabbat Dinners and includes RS tuition up to 3 children
Torch Bearer - Tickets to Galas, Events*, HH Parking, Gift Membership, Security Fee, Shabbat Dinners
ShamashTickets to 1 Event*, HH Parking, Gift Membership, Security Fee, Shabbat Dinners

Menorah (Sustaining) - Security Fee, Shabbat Dinners

*Certain event exclusions may apply

Candle - Not Available for Members With Children 3rd - 7th Grade
Virtual Supporter - 
Available to those living off of Long Island. Access to all online services and events
Voluntary Young Adult - Only Available for Families With Children Up Through 2nd Grade
Voluntary Young Adults - Only Available for Adults Under 36 Years Old Without Children

Additional Fees:
· Tuition for the David Joshua Berg Early Learning Center (ELC) and Religious School  
· Extra High Holiday tickets for extended family members 
· Building Fund for new members
· B’nei Mitzvah fees
Security Fee
$250 TBT Partners
$300.00 All ELC Families

If you are a Voluntary Family or Voluntary Young Adult or a Virtual Supporter, please enter your pledge for the 2022-23 year
Financial Consideration, please call the office.

Type N/A if not applicable
Type N/A if not applicable
Type N/A if not applicable
Type N/A if Not Applicable

Call the office to set up your payment arrangement.  Invoices will be mailed at the end of the month.
Sun, October 6 2024 4 Tishrei 5785